Daiyanghe Railway Bridge

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Daiyanghe Railway Bridge
Zhijin, Guizhou, China
453 feet high / 138 meters high
315 foot span / 96 meter span


One of the world's 20 highest railway spans, the Daiyanghe Bridge is the tallest structure on a new coal railway that extends from Anshun towards Zhijin in the mountains of western Guizhou Province. Pier #6 is 94 meters tall while pier #7 is 99 meters tall supporting a main span of 96 meters flanked by two side spans of 52 meters.

The line stretches 38.591 kilometers with a design speed of 120 km/hour. There is a total of 18.85 kilometers of tunnel including one 6.66 kilometers long through Phoenix Mountain. The project is described as "terrain and geological conditions are more complex with a lot of bad geological, karst, unstable rock phenomena such as rockfall, avalanches, coal seam gas, and the line through the mountains with bridge and tunnel accounting for 64% of the total length of line." There are 23 bridges that total 5.9 kilometers that also include the 99 meter high Ah River Bridge with piers 75 meters tall.



A coal train rolls across the Daiyanghe Bridge.


Daiyanghe Bridge under construction in 2008.


Image by peoplerail.com



Daiyanghe Railway Bridge satellite image.


Daiyanghe Railway Bridge location map.