GroBe Muhl Bridge

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Große Mühl Bridge
Brücke über die Große Mühl
Neufelden, Oberösterreich, Austria
328 feet high / 100 meters high
558 foot span / 170 meter span

GrobeMuhlBy inflames1984 copy.jpg

One of Austria’s most picturesque arch bridges, the Brücke über die Große Mühl or Grosse Muhl is hidden in Upper Austria along the route 127 Rohrbach state road about 22 miles (36 kms) northwest of the city of Linz. The 558 foot (170 mtr) concrete arch span was erected by the use of two levels of stays - one for the lower sections of the rib and one for the upper sections.

GrobeMuhlBy inflames1984 .jpg

Image by inflames1984.


GroBe Muhl Bridge satellite image.