Jiaolongba Bridge
Jiaolongba Bridge
Quzikaxiang, Tibet, China
279 feet high / 85 meters high
1,132 foot span / 345 meter span
One of the most remote long span bridges in China, the Jiaolongba suspension bridge is also one of the "highest" with a deck 2900 meters above sea level. Located high up along the slopes of the great Lancangjiang River gorge, the bridge was built to bypass a deep creek gully along route G214 where slides would often close the road, choking off one of the only north-south arteries in eastern Tibet.
The 12 meter wide truss stiffened main span measures 345 meters and is supported by towers 49.5 and 42.6 meters tall. Both anchorages terminate into mountain tunnels.
Jiaolongba Bridge satellite image.
Jiaolongba Bridge location map.