Jinghe Bridge
From HighestBridges.com
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Qingyang, Gansu, China
295 feet high / 90 meters high
531 foot span / 162 meter span
One of the highest and longest bridges in Gansu Province, the 1,726 meter long Jinghe Bridge crosses the wide expanse of the Jing River valley on five spans of 162 meters on piers as tall as 79 meters. Each of the twin viaducts is 12 meters wide.
Image by www.gansudaily.com.cn.
Image by www.plxww.com.
Image by www.gs.people.com.cn.
Image by www.chinaqy.gov.com.
Image by gs.people.com.cn.
Jinghe Bridge satellite image.
Jinghe Bridge location map.