Mozitan Bridge
Mozitan Bridge
Huoshan, Anhui, China
302 feet high / 92 meters high
459 foot span / 140 meter span
Mozitan Bridge is reported to be the highest span on the G35 Jinan-Guangzhou Expressway between Lu'an City and Qianshan City in Anhui Province. The split viaducts have a maximum span configuration of 56+114+140+114+56 meters. The main spans are composed of a single-cell box with a top width of 11.8 meters and a bottom width of 6.5 meters. The depth of the main spans are 8 meters over the piers and 3 meters at midspan. The depth of the beam over the secondary piers on the sides is 6 meters. Maximum pier height is 74 meters supported on foundations with 9 piles for the main piers and 6 piles for the secondary piers. The roadway width is 10.8 meters.
Mozitan Bridge render.
Mozitan Bridge satellite image.
Mozitan Bridge location map.