Shinnoboribetsu Bridge
Shinnoboribetsu Bridge
Noboribetsu, Hokkaido, Japan
394 feet high / 120 meters high
(525) foot span / (160) meter span
The highest bridge on Japan’s largest island of Hokkaido, the Shinnoboribetsu is another 1980s era Japanese steel box beam arch bridge. Painted a brilliant red, the span puts on quite a show above a gorge of endless green trees in the summer while in the winter the bold arch color stands out against a mountain of white snow.
The deck span configuration is 34.4+170+34.4 meters.
Image by 椿山拓.
Image by hajime kato.
Image by kool 6636.
Image by snow man.
Image by Japanese Society of Civil Engineers.
Shinnoboribetsu Bridge satellite image.
Shinnoboribetsu Bridge location map.