Xixihe Railway Construction Bridge
Xixihe Railway Construction Bridge
Dafang, Guizhou, China
574 feet high / 175 meters high
607 foot span / 185 meter span
One of the highest railway spans in the world, the Xixihe Railway Bridge is one of many breathtaking bridges on the high speed, twin track railway line between Guiyang and Chengdu. The Xixi River crossing is very similar in size to the famous Beipanjiang Railway Bridge Shuibai and has a similar steel arch with a span of 240 meters. The lower half of the canyon consists of nearly vertical cliffs that allow little sunlight to reach the river.
There are two other high bridges on the same line that are several kilometers to the east in Bijie County and include the Luojiaohe Railway Bridge and the Diaolanhe Railway Bridge. Both are approximately 100 meters lower then the Xixihe Railway Bridge.
The tight canyon resulted in a relatively short bridge length of just 493.6 meters consisting of a span arrangement of 3x32.7 +240+ 4x32.7 meters.
Image by Eric Sakowski / HighestBridges.com
Image by Eric Sakowski / HighestBridges.com
Image by Eric Sakowski / HighestBridges.com
Image by Eric Sakowski / HighestBridges.com
Image by Eric Sakowski / HighestBridges.com
Xixihe Railway Bridge satellite image showing the two most likely locations of the arch crossing.
Xixihe Railway Bridge location map.
Chengdu-Guiyang Railway map.